Anti-Money Laundering Solutions: How to Make the Correct Segmentation for Money Laundering

Money laundering is a continuous risk for business organizations, which requires them to be attentive to every detail of their business operations. Ac …

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4 min read
April 10, 2023

How to identify the risk of money laundering in companies?

Each regulated entity must identify the money laundering risks inherent to its operational reality. It must adopt procedures to identify customers and …

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4 min read
March 09, 2023

Countries on the FATF 2021 black and gray lists

Three times a year, the Financial Action Task Force, FATF, presents two lists in which it includes those jurisdictions that have deficiencies in their …

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4 min read
December 01, 2022

Learn about the three stages of money laundering in Latin America

The millions of dollars laundered in the Latin American region are disguised as homes, hotels, cars, warehouses, casinos, bars and other businesses to …

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3 min read
November 23, 2022

Enron case study: one of the worst frauds in history

One of the biggest financial scandals in history is the case of energy giant Enron Corporation, which ranked seventh on the list of America's largest …

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2 min read
November 05, 2022

How to identify unusual or suspicious transactions

Identifying suspicious transactions allows you to recognize unusual customer operations. Learn how the process works and some warning signs here.

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2 min read
October 14, 2022